+91 9032044944 info@akankshafoundation.in

Akanksha foundation

Akanksha Foundation(Founder & Chairman)

Mr.Vishal Malhotra is a young and dynamic personality. He is a counselor, Healer, and Psychologist. He is serving as a family counselor for 1 year to Telangana Mahila Samaikya Sangam. He also holds designated posts in esteemed organizations.

Serving the Society past 8 years. Motivating the children, helping the poor and needy. A Boon to Society. He teaches people to overcome depression. He helps individuals to get over the fear of failure. Many depressed cases have been solved and now people are leading a happy life to bring cheer on the depressed face is a challenge he takes his smiling attitude and loving touch with soft words spoken he motivates people gladly, a man of determination whose vibes bring positiveness to every place he moves.


To make a Cheerful Society.

He aims to improve an individual well being and mental health, improves relationships and social skills.